SFX Makeup Practice

SFX makeup practice

As a class, we decided to experiment with some SFX gore makeup in order to decide if we would like to incorporate it into our final short film.

We used scar wax to create the shape of the wound and blended the edges out into the skin to make it look seamless, then put liquid latex (scar glue) in the middle of the wound in order to create a tacky layer.

We made fake blood out of corn flour, water and red food colouring, and added a thin layer to the middle of the wound, then we added cotton wool to the top in order to create texture. When we put the red food colouring on top, the cotton soaked it up and created the illusion of flesh. We also stippled the "blood" around the fake wound to make it look irritated.

To include more texture we mixed tea leaves with the red food colouring and added it to the wound so it looked darker in some places.
for the final touches, we pushed some thread into the scar wax which could make it look like skin stretched across the wound or like the wound has been sewed up.

Will I use this in my short film?

After experimenting with the make-up, I have decided that I would like to include SFX in my short film.
The SFX would be applied to the young girl, however it would be a lot more simplistic than the wounds shown in the pictures, and the wounds in my short-film would be more scratches and bruising.
