Practice - Camera Shots And Angles

Camera shots and Angles

Types of Camera Angles

Example video:

Our Video:

The camera shots and angles shown in this video are a long shot, a two shot, a boom shot, a normal shot, a high angle, a close up and a tracking shot.

In order to do the long shot, we filmed a location from a long distance. To make sure the audience was aware of the type of shot, we used a person and placed them in the centre of the scene to show the scale of the scene.
To do the two shot we gathered a bunch of people and filmed them in a single shot.
In the boom shot, we attached a camera to a boom and shot it over a staircase.
We decided to use a plant for the close-up to add variety to the shots, as we had a large presence of people in the shots.
For the high angle, we stood on a bench and filmed from just above the person to create the effect of somebody looking down on another person.
For the tracking shot, we simply walked alongside the person being filmed.
