Analysing professionally made short films
- Linear Narrative
- Jeans getting tighter on a person (linked to the name "Tight Jeans")
- Multicultural cast (due to the name of the director)
- Funny (Light comedy)
- Female cast (most females like tight jeans)
- Montage of outside setting
- Multicultural
- White man wearing light jeans - black men observing difference in culture
- Strong mention of sex and reproduction within different cultures
- constant movement of camera
- Medium shots/close ups/wide shots
- set in worn down housing estate - linked to the deprivation in black people
- stereotypes within culture
- Linear narrative
Arrival - Daniel Montanarini - UK - Drama/Monologue - 2016
- Airport/house/workplace - waiting for something
- The arrival of a person
- Package letters
- Baby/Pregnancy
- linear narrative
- moving shots
- Wide shots/ medium shots
- expressivce/dramatic
- date scene
- ordinary clothes
- Café setting
- Pregnancy
- dieting for pregnancy/dismissive of it
- Dark atmosphere
- contrast of white clothing
- one main actor
- Internal monologue
- Decision making
- Train - Loud - realisation hits?
- atmosphere changes to light - changing mind
- Spilled coffee - changes order to decaf coffee - mind changing
- Stationary shots
Operator - Caroline Bartleet - UK - Suspense - 2015
- Thriller?
- Possibility of something bad
- One person cast
- Being in control - manipulation?
- professional setting
- work clothing
- Emergency department
- Professional setting - fire department
- Panic - dependency on the operator
- Stress and emotional effect on operator
- Order and control
- Reassurance
- Voice actor
- Continuous suspense
- Stationary shots/close ups on the actors face - showing emotion
The Fly - Jack Doolan - UK - Dark Comedy - 2014
- Shocking
- Slightly horror based
- Plot twist
- Context forgotten because of humour
- Makes light of bad situations
- Involves a fly
- at least one actor
- Dark atmosphere (dark comedy)
- Killing a fly
- Ordinary clothing
- moving shots
- wide shots/medium shots/ close ups
- Set in a car - outside a bank
- Robbery
- Dark atmosphere
- diegetic buzzing
- Violent outbursts from character just to kill the fly (mental health? personality?)
- Noise creates attention
- Injury caused by the violent actions - taking it too far
- Dark but average costume
- SFX prosthetics used
- Gun used (prop)
- Police called
- close ups/medium shots/wide shots of car
The Ellington Kid - Dan Sully - Social Realism - 2012
- Social realism - troubles within society
- Quick paced (5 mins)
- linear narrative
- dark atmosphere
- set in the streets
- dark costume
- medium shots/wide shots
- limited lighting
- fast character movement
- lots of expression
- Close ups
- montage shots
- medium shots
- dialogue over narrative
- non-linear
- shock factor
- plot twist
- outside and inside settings
- dark costumes that conceal vs light costumes that reveal
- violence
- wide shots
- dark vs light
Echo - Lewis Arnold - UK - Personal Interest/True Story - 2011
- Presence of an echo
- cave?
- Multi-gender cast
- loneliness
- close ups/medium shots
- True story - shocking
- personal
- small cast
- lack of music
- Mostly female cast
- set in the streets
- everyday costume
- wide/medium shots
- natural lighting
- diegetic sounds
- dialogue
- Everyday makeup
- Coming-of-Age - celebration
- responsibility
- fighting? ( "slap")
- male cast
- small cast
- set in a realistic setting (small town/house)
- teen/young adult cast
- natural lighting
- long/medium shots
- lots of camera movement
- non-linear narrative
- diegetic sound
- close ups
- medium shots
- make up on male character
- concealing identity/forced into being someone their not
- medium shots
- wide shots
- set inside
- boxing ring
- female clothing
- masculinity vs femininity
- problem arises
- character has to face the problem
- Over the shoulder shots
- diegetic music
Over - Jorn Threlfall - UK - Real Life Crime - 2015
- Crime - suspense, mystery
- Set in the streets/crime scene
- Young adult cast
- diegetic sound
- linear narrative
- mostly male cast
- dark atmosphere
- small cast
- medium shots/wide shots
- violence
- Dark, EXT, street, middle class neighbourhood
- timings on screen going backwards in each scene
- car prop
- 2 people male and female
- No music
- diegetic sound
- non-linear narrative - going backwards
- close up of flowers
- cleaning the road
- long shots
- close up of blood being cleaned from road
- towing car away - 5 people in scene
- still shots
- shoes/coat/trousers in forensics bags
- picture shots
- body in bag being wheeled away - 10 characters in scene
- gloves/torch/10p coin in forensics bags
- examination of body in a white marquee - 14 characters in scene
- phone/sweets/blood on tissue in police bags
- tracking shot of police man
- diegetic sirens
- body on floor
- overview of forensics bags, some seen already
- body on floor without police - 6 characters on scene
- man with dog finds body
- picture of family in forensics bag - close up
- long pause before body falls from sky and onto car
- alarming - crash and car alarm
- Aeroplane flies past
- summary of the true story
Doodle bug - Christopher Nolan - 1997 - UK - fantasy/mystery
- black and white - old timey
- mystery - confusion, suspense?
- doodlebug - bug, trying to kill a bug?
- inside location, in a room
- contrast lighting
- single person cast
- close ups/wide shots
- male cast
- black and white
- Small room, dirty and plain
- single person cast
- white tank top and black trousers
- slow movement followed by quick, frantic movements
- tracking/moving shots
- shoe, phone and clock prop
- worms eye shots
- close ups
- second, smaller version of the main actor
- larger version of the main character
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